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Previous Exhibitors


    My paintings and prints are influenced by my time as a Graphic Designer, which is where I became interested in simplifying my images into colourful geometric, hard-edged shapes. To prepare for a painting or print… Read More »JANE STOTHERT


      I work out obsessive anxieties using the language of the digital.All of my work employs the grid as its foundation, each series growing out of a formulated system. There is an evidenced relationship with the… Read More »VIC COOPER


        Roy Osborne has sustained interest in all aspects of colour in art and design since studying graphics and fine art at Brighton College of Art. In various ongoing series of paintings (Divisions, Heraldic, Bends, Compass,… Read More »ROY OSBORNE


          Current Projects:
          Politics versus Painting
          The psychological power of colours
          Seeing and Feeling

          BRUNO DI MARIO

            My commitment to abstraction, rather than representing or imitating the visible, is a key factor of my work.  My structural compositions are an exploration of the interaction and tension between forms, colour and space. By… Read More »BRUNO DI MARIO

            ROBIN CORNELL

              I joined the New Constructivists Group in 2004, having previously completed a final year thesis analysing developments in constructivism. My interest and involvement in constructivism stems from the theoretical and technical innovations of Russian avant-gardists… Read More »ROBIN CORNELL